Warranty and post-warranty service.
Despite all the care we take with our installations, on rare occasions a failure may occur. In this case, it is necessary to make use of the warranty claim. The agreed warranty period can be found indicated on the handover or service report. The handover report is also the warranty certificate.

Warranty conditions for Septim hardware.
We provide warranty for manufacturing and material defects, but we do not provide warranty in cases where the defect is caused by mechanical damage, natural disaster or improper handling.
Receipt of hardware equipment for warranty repairs or replacements is carried out at the registered office or branch of Septim Systems a.s., unless the customer agrees otherwise with us. You can either deliver the hardware to us in person or you can send it to the service point by mail or other delivery service. Please note that in the case of repairs outside the headquarters or Moravian branch of our company, we are entitled to charge travel and labour costs associated with disconnection and connection according to the current price list.
Repairs or replacements of computers are carried out within 48 hours of delivery of the computers to the registered office or Moravian branch of our company. Repairs of separate peripherals (cash registers, printers, monitors, etc.) are carried out within 48 hours if we have a spare part in stock. If the spare part is not in stock, the peripheral is sent to the manufacturer and the repair will be carried out within 30 days from the receipt of the hardware for complaint.
Septim Systems a.s. has hardware that is ready for loan under the terms of a service contract.

Septim system software warranty conditions.
The Septim cash register and operating system is guaranteed for 12 months from the date of delivery.
We warrant against defects which prevent the software from being used in accordance with the purpose for which it was supplied to the customer, provided that the customer has pointed out the defect without undue delay after having had the opportunity to discover it. On the other hand, we do not provide a warranty in cases where the defect is caused by the handling of the software or the hardware on which the software is installed.
We will remedy the software defect at the headquarters of Septim Systems a.s. within 30 days of receipt of the complaint. In the case of a legitimate complaint, we will arrange for limited operation of the system within 48 hours at the latest.

After-sales service of the Septim system.
After the warranty expires, we provide standard after-warranty service for the hardware.
Again, receipt of hardware is made at the headquarters or branch office of Septim Systems a.s., unless otherwise arranged with us. You can also deliver the hardware to us in person or you can send it to our service location by mail or other delivery service. Please note that in the case of repairs outside the headquarters or Moravian branch of our company, we are entitled to charge travel and labor costs associated with disconnection and connection according to the current price list.
Upon receipt, the hardware is diagnosed and then you are provided with a description of the fault together with suggestions for repair and an estimate of the cost. In some cases where it is not economically viable to repair the hardware, we suggest the purchase of new equipment or the purchase of a loaner if the loaner has been used.
We will complete the repair within 30 days from the date of receipt of the equipment.
The severity of the defect and the type of service contract entered into will affect the speed with which the defect is resolved.
ŠKODA AUTO's corporate catering is provided by Septim!
The implementation of the Septim system in Škoda Auto's central kitchen represents a breakthrough in the field of corporate catering in the Czech Republic!
ASW Systems changed to Septim Systems
Dear business partners, allow us to inform you that the business name of the company is changing...
Riccardo Lucque and his luxury restaurant chain La Collezione rely on Septim
"Septim has helped us get to know our guest even better thanks to its customer programs," says Riccardo Lucque, chef and owner of the La Collezione restaurant chain, which includes Aromi, La Bottega, La Finestra, Laboratorio and Amano.